You can help us get the word out about the 2010 JJA Jazz Awards by putting our Awards News "widget" or an Awards button on your website or blog. (and if you are a past JJA Jazz awards winner or nominee or a nominating member of the JJA you can publicize your own work at the same time with a special button for your site. )
Join our Web Supporters by installing a widget or button as follows:
JJA Jazz Awards WIDGET
Get the <a href="">JJA 2010 Jazz Awards</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>) Get the <a href="">JJA 2010 Jazz Awards</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>)
The widget will automatically update every time we post news about the awards.
To get the code needed to display the widget on your site in either of the two sizes above, just click on the "Get Widget" link at the bottom of the widget of your choice. To resize the widget to better fit your site, click on the little pencil at the bottom of the larger widget. (To resize the widget, you'll have to register for a free Widgetbox account or sign in with your Facebook account-- you don't need to register if you want to display the widget in one of the sizes shown here.)
WE'LL LINK TO YOUR SITE and identify you as a "JJA Jazz Awards Web Supporter" if you send us an email with your URL after you've installed an awards widget.
Want to help but need to display something smaller or that doesn't require installing a script on your site? Please feel free to copy the code below; when your readers click the button, they will be taken to this awards site.
to display the button above, place the following code on your site where you would like the button to appear:
<a href=""><img alt="2010 JJA Jazz Awards info" height="50" src="" width="150" />
to display this button, place the following code on your site where you would like the button to appear:
<a href=""><img alt="About the 2010 JJA Jazz Awards" height="42" src="" width="158" /></a>
If you have problems using the code, or have other questions, please write us at
If you are a past Winner of a JJA Jazz Award, a 2010 Nominee, or a JJA Nominator we'll be happy to send you code for a special button that declares your role and your support for this year's awards. Just write the address above.
WE'LL LINK TO YOUR SITE and identify you as a "JJA Jazz Awards Web Supporter" if you send us an email with your URL after you've installed an awards widget or button
prominently on your site (to receive a backlink, the button or widget must display on a page seen by all or most of your visitors --i.e., home page or side bar-- rather than an infrequently-visited inside page.)
Thanks for your support!